Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Ode to Ape.

A week ago, when Marty marks that I have, more or less involuntarily, copied one of Ape's gestures...

Mousse: I miss Ape! She's my cuddly bear!
Tiny: Do you really miss her?
Mousse: She IS soft.

Today, upon reading her comment...

Tiny: I miss Ape!

We miss a lot of people. But today, our thoughts and words go to Ape. (And also to my mother, because it's her birthday.)


Ape said...

I am not cuddly!

Soft cannot be denied. Some people would even call me weak, but cuddly...never!


[And Congrats to your mother.]

Ape said...

Oh and what gesture are we talking about here?

Despite my grumpiness over being called cuddly bear my curiousity overwins it all.

Mousse said...

The one where you know that you might've done wrong or said something unexpected/inappropriate. You know, you pop your eyes, fix your stare, duck your head to one side and slightly move away while smiling excusingly/insecurely.


I copied it anyway. With success.

Ape said...

I do that?

Mousse said...


You should copyright it.

Wait. I should copyright it, and charge you every time you use it.

tiny said...

someone's gonna make a helluva lot of money off of this.

but i'm pretty sure it's not gonna be me.