Sunday, May 27, 2007

Better be excused.

So our internet has been giving us hell, simply by not working. Meanwhile, I have. Very much, at that. But I am the stronger one in this household, so I'll live. At least for now. Marty's been taking walks, I hear. Apparently she's going to post something on that. But the light-footed smartass is having dinner at the moment, and wants me to join:

Marty: Your food is rottening!
Mousse: I don't believe that.
Marty: In fact, all food is, at some stage.
Mousse: *sigh* True.

Lately, she's been more obsessed with food than usual. We're leaving this place in less than two weeks and Marty, who hates throwing food away, has been feeling the need to empty our well-filled stores. She's repeatedly been stuffing herself to the point of nausea. I don't mind. It's for a good cause. If only she wouldn't whine so much about it.

What else...

Yesterday, we decided to act a little more like not us. What we did was that we went to a café and ordered a bottle of wine. Normally, we sit at home, we sink a one-euro bottle or two and call it a pre-party. This time, the wine cost more, but in some way, we still felt very much like ourselves. Don't know if it was because of the same barbaric yet determined way of finishing a bottle in no time or because of the fact that when the bottle was empty, we somehow managed to overturn the table and thus made the two wine glasses and the ashtray fall and loudly smash against the stone floor. The incident was closely followed by other people's staring and our awkward "Check please!"

The night went on with my drunken vintage clothes shopping, Marty's drunken Nutella pancake shopping, more wine-drinking, and us deciding that generally, we don't like people very much.

Peace, folks.
PS. Finally watched Family Guy the movie, and it was a disappointment. Not true to the characters and milking their otherwise original and appreciated traits until boredom. Stranger Than Fiction, however, was a good one. Refreshing, even, with refined characters and great acting. Young Tom Cruise!


fasteddie said...

You are funnier then jam on toast!

or is that tastier? Well funny is good, but does it have a pleasing aroma?

Do you drink the California wine? You know I was born in Napa California? Oh you didn't... Well not really but I lived there.

and what of the ape she didn't tell me if she'd gotten married. I don't have to send an email do I?

See this is why I don't write personal stuff in a blog, I'm not nearly as funny as you. I do however smell of Eucalyptus and

Mousse said...

It's great to hear that you smell good. Really great.

As to this blog and its pleasing abilities, I can tell you that I lack feelings, so a personal-stuff blog is not on the cards. But thanks for appreciating it.

I can also tell you that no, we do not drink California wine in France, as imported wine is more expensive than one euro. In Sweden we do, because no wine is cheap there.

And Ape... Last thing I heard from her was that she left for the Danish countryside. Guessing from the generally high population density in Denmark and the romantic atmosphere that usually prevails in rural areas, I'd say the marriage probability is unusualy high for the Ape.

Lolita said...

Well, som alltid, livstecken är vitala för mitt välbefinnande.
Och nu är jag lugn.

Och! Café-incidenten var ju lite roande.

Det blir roligt när ni kommer hem! Ja? Nej?

Mousse said...

Du, jag vet inte hur roligt det kommer bli.

Marty och jag kommer antagligen sitta och tvångsromantisera om Paris, dag efter dag, efter dag... Sådär patetiskt.

Men ingenting som inte kan dövas och förbättras med lite kollektivt vindrickande. Vi kommer dock säkerligen klaga över priset.

Lolita said...

Det är lugnt... jag kommer säkert somna av vinet, så jag slipper höra tvångsromantiserandet..

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