Wednesday, May 9, 2007

And there really wasn't anything anyone could say to prove her wrong.

Dinner convo, about how pathetic we are, and how we wish we could at least reach nerd status...

Marty (Knowingly. In English): The only difference between us and nerds is that nerds is smarter.


Lolita said...

She speaks the truth about you guys.

Joha is almost a nerd, but... more of a geek.

And for me... well, I made a test that said "You are so weird you think you are normal"
I guess it's some truth in that...

Ape said...

You know what a geek really is?

It's a performer on Sideshows/carnivals who bites of the heads of various animals on stage. I swear.

Lolita said...

I know.
Why would I otherwise name YOU the geek of the group.

Mousse said...

She does no such thing!

Ape, do you? Do you bite off the head of VARIOUS animals? And on stage?

If so, do you get off on it?

Or is it just the animals who gets... off?

Gawd, am I ON!

tiny said...

you're way off, discarded, and put in such a deep corner of the closet you're about to stumble into narnia.

unless you were being sarcastic...

were you being sarcastic?

Mousse said...

I don't know.

Can I not be sarcastic?

Ape said...

Yes. You can't be sarcastic when you use the freaky polite voice.

Mousse said...

It's a higher form of sarcasm.

Oh, you wouldn't know...