Monday, June 4, 2007

Primitive (the way I treat you).

Time is running out on our stay in Paris, which means we've frantically tried to experience everything the city offers. Also, buying presents for loved ones, something which proved more difficult than we thought. Mostly since we can't seem to stop prioritising ourselves.

Marty: "This is a nice shirt. For me, I mean."
Mousse: "Of course."


Mousse (a propos absolutely nothing): "It'd be mean to drown our neighbour's cat and hang the body next to the stairs."
Marty: "What are you talking about?"
Mousse: "With a note. 'You said you'd make us dinner! WE WERE HUNGRY!'"

Now that we have more food than we could possibly eat it might seem petty to kill a cat for the promise of dinner, but Mousse remembers.

Saturday we had dinner at a greek restaurant which reminded us of a school cafeteria, but with nicer wall decorations. And very cheap wine. (6€ for a litre!)The food held high standards, but the joy of chicken was somewhat diminished by the fact that I didn't have time to finish it, because they closed the restaurant.

We then made our way to nearby club The Hat, which kicked some serious ass! Mousse told you about the good parts, no one mentions the bad parts, everyone rejoices. I awoke too early without a cover, lovingly hugging my pillow.

Now I'm going to go have mousse for dessert.


Mousse said...

I'm mostly just writing this comment because no one else did.

No one likes you, Marty.

But me.

So tell me, who's the bitch again?

tiny said...

you are.



tiny said...

vad grovt!

jag var verkligen ultraisolerad och elak! ledsen.