Monday, January 22, 2007

freedom of speech

19 or so hrs into our adventure, i was cencored. by the only person who has the power. the following will therefore be a description of some occurances which can happen, when on your way to paris.

1. your underwear may fall out on the floor when you try to extract your computer from your bag, while the security guard puts his hands on his head and says he's gonna take his coffeebreak. mean and mad man.

2. basic knowledge of french liquor may be required of you by other securityguard. he is a nice man. thoroughly reliable.

3. the combined weight of two lives: 55 kg. the combined weight of two people: undisclosed.

4. we were discussing keats when, lo and behold, oscar wilde's spirit strolled past and offered us The Truth and a leek (for masturbating, we suppose) for €930. we could not afford it and had to turn him down. mousse cried, but felt highly bohemian. tiny felt deprived. highly deprived.

it is our initial day in paris. we are spending it penning this post, freeriding the hostel's wireless internet and trying not to think of saucepans, hard though it is.

a good day, today is.

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